The Trolls

One day I went hiking and came up on some mysterious trouble.       


 One day I went hiking and as I was climbing to the top of the mountain and going back down I ran into some mountain trolls.


The trolls said,”Freeze” I said,”But I need to cut by and go back down the mountain”they said”Well you can’t this is our stable and owned territory”. Then I asked what their names where they said,”We are Bossy,Sleepy,and Grumpy.”Then I said ,”Well I need to get by and go back down the mountain”They said,”Well you can’t”I said ,”Why can’t we we be friends”They said,”What are friends”. 


Well I will explain,”Friends are people that will have your back during stiff times and they will comfort you”Then the trolls said,”Wow I want a friend”I said,”Well why can’t we be friends?”  They said,”Ok we will be friends”.Then at this point they let me pass.I said,”Do you want to come with me?”They said,”Yes”.

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